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Store Policy

Privacy & Safety

Thank you for visiting our website. Our privacy policy helps you understand how we use personal information collected at this site. Please read this privacy policy before using the site or submitting any personal information.


By using our site, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. These practices may be changed, but any changes will be posted and changes will only apply to activities and information on a going forward, not retroactive basis. We encouraged you to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.


Please Note: the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this web site only. If you link to other websites, please review the privacy policies posted at those sites.


What information is collect when you place an order from Pure and Elegant Candle Company's website, subscribe or fill out a form. When ordering or registering on our site, as per policy, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address or credit card information.


Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

"To improve customer service"


(Your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs) "To process transactions"


Your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested. "To send periodic emails"


The email address you provide for order processing, may be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order, in addition to receiving company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. Note: If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.


How do we protect your information?


We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information.


We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our Payment gateway providers database only to be accessible by those authorized with special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.


After a transaction, your private information (credit cards, social security numbers, financials, etc.) will not be stored on our servers.


Your Responsibilities: You are responsible for how you use this website. You may not use the site that may damage or impair our servers. You may not gain access to our network. By using this site, you agree that you will not modify, copy, reformat or alter this site in any way.

Limitation of Liability: In no event will Pure and Elegant Candle Company be liable for (I) any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including, but not limited to, damages for less of profits, business interruption, loss of programs or information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the service, or any information, or transactions provided on the service, or downloaded from the service, or any delay of such information or service. even if Pure and Elegant Candle Company or its authorized representatives have been advices of the possibility of such damages, or (II) any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the service and/or materials or information downloaded through the service. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. In such states, Pure and Elegant Candle Company liability is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Payment Methods

Credit / Debit Cards

Offline Payments

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